Stop Stagnating In Your Job & Start Succeeding As An Entrepreneur

Entrepreneur Coaching For Gen X Women

What if you never had to fill out another performance review again?

Do you wake up feeling mentally exhausted and unfulfilled by your job?

Imagine if you could flip the script

Unfulfilled by lack of purpose Your work is aligned with your values and passions

Tired of incompetent micromanagers You have control over your time and direction

Frustrated about promotions and raises You feel a deep sense of achievement

Fed up with company politics You explore new ideas without corporate oversight

Missing out on personal and family time You can manage your work-life balance

The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.
— Oprah Winfrey

This Is What You Will Accomplish In My Program

Get Your Head Straight

  • Identify and overcome your fears, doubts and limiting beliefs

  • Replace doubts with resilience and self-confidence

  • Embrace challenges as a learning opportunity

  • Identify your core values and deal breakers

Clarify Your Vision

  • Narrow in on your passion and vision using your core values

  • Identify your business niche and target audience

  • Vision your ideal life in detail 10-15 years from now

  • Set SMART goals to help create the path to your vision

  • Collaborate with accountability partners to keep you progressing

Launch Confidently

  • Get clarity on your financial situation and plan for your entrepreneurial journey

  • Create the conversation about your goals with your family and friends

  • Figure out the nuts and bolts: website, email list, marketing and sales tips

  • Setting up your company structure and finding the experts you’ll need

I will help guide you:

Look farther ahead, be daring, and stretch your vision

Align your vision with your deepest values

Create the action plan and accountability required to succeed

After completing my program you will have a vivid picture of the future life you so deeply desire and a plan of action to see it through to completion.

Any human being anywhere will blossom into a hundred unexpected talents and capacities simply by being given the opportunity to use them.
— Doris Lessing

Hi, I’m Katherine,

Together, let’s build your exciting new future

I have been where you are in your life and career - wanting to feel fulfilled, longing to make an impact on the world, while still being able to financially support the lifestyle that brings you joy. I have worked in the financial services industry for over 25 years, and while I was good at what I did, there was always something missing.

I often felt confused about what exactly would scratch those itches, and I didn’t know how to figure it out alone. I felt like I was on a spinning merry-go-round and wanted to jump off, but never knew which direction was the right one. That feeling left me frozen in place because I didn’t want to make the “wrong” decision. My mindset was anchored to what I had already done in my career and it was difficult to think about anything other than an extension of the same old things. When I did gain some clarity on which direction to pursue, I failed to persevere long enough to get any real results. So then, I’d hop back on the merry-go-round for a few more spins.

I reached a point where I was so worn down that I quit my lucrative Wall St. job with the idea that I’d start “something” on my own. I had already helped other people found two successful start-ups in financial services so I thought, why not? I can do this for myself too.

The problem was that I still hadn’t clearly envisioned what my business and future could look like, and I certainly hadn’t laid out a concrete plan to build it. I spun my wheels on several different ideas that went nowhere because I was stuck in the past, trying to create a shinier version of what I had previously done (which I never loved.) Finally, I reached a point where I had no choice but to go back and get another J-O-B. Dreams dashed.

Today, I can gratefully say that I am living my now-very-real dreams. After reading countless books and blogs, watching hundreds of coaching videos, and finally investing in the coaching programs and certifications that I needed, I was able to create the life that I longed for so deeply. I am fulfilled, I am making an impact, and I am living the lifestyle of my dreams.

Now, I can help YOU envision your bold future AND take concrete action to turn that vision a reality. The dream and the vision are oh-so-important steps on the journey, but ACTION IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART! I will help you apply the lessons that I learned on my path toward a daring future to create your own version of fulfillment.

Let’s get your journey started today!

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“LOVED the visioning exercise. It really helped me understand the steps I needed to take now. Your prompts and leading were really helpful.”

— Kathleen B.

Visioning Your Future

Welcome To Your Future

A key component of our work together will incorporate a coaching methodology called Strategic Futuring along with other customized sessions rooted in Cognitive Behavioral techniques to help work through problems unique to your specific situation.

Strategic Futuring is a structured career, life visioning, and planning process that looks 15 years into the future. It helps you identify and leverage your most important values, authentic strengths, and accomplishments to create vision-based goals and partnerships that pull you into the future you envision.

Strategic Futuring was created by Ray Rood, Founder of The Genysys Group, while he was coaching and developing graduate students, corporate executives, community leaders and individuals involved in life transitions. This methodology has helped hundreds of people better define and achieve their highest personal and professional goals.

As a Certified Strategic Futuring Facilitator, I am trained to lead individuals and groups through this unique career and life planning process.

The methodology is originally based on the sociological research of Prof. Elise Boulding (Dartmouth University) who studied which factors contribute to the joint success or failure of groups. The process draws on human development principles, adult learning theories, organizational transformation, positive psychology, and appreciative inquiry.

The futuring process has 7 key components:

  1. Reflect on how you currently approach the future vs. how you would like to approach it.

  2. Identify your proudest accomplishments, your deepest values, your strongest attributes, and the shortcomings that hold you back. Craft a Mission Statement from these answers.

  3. Walk through an in-depth visioning exercise of a typical day 15 years from now. You will identify everything about that day from waking up to going to sleep, including where you are, who you are with, what you are doing, what you feel, see, hear, and smell.

  4. Craft 5 questions that you would like 15-years-from-now YOU to answer, and answer them from the perspective of what you saw in your vision.

  5. Write the story of how you arrive at your future self by detailing what you did in the five, ten, and fifteen years before your vision to achieve your future life goals (in other words, what you will do in the next 5, 10, 15 years) and create a Vision Statement.

  6. Create 3-5 Big Picture Goals. You'll write a goal statement, identify the issues and challenges of achieving the goal, the support required, and 90-day SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound) objectives that you will update on an ongoing basis.

  7. Align with Strategic Partners on a monthly basis who will help keep you accountable and moving forward in your goal achievement.

The future belongs to those who dare to envision the future, treat their vision as fact, and take responsibility for translating their vision into reality.
— Ray Rood

Schedule a free video call to see if future coaching could help you reach your goals.

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